Pioneers of Airborne TETRA, LTE for Mission Critical PTT, top performing Anti-Jam GPS, Direction Finding and Electronic Warfare.

Chelton has decades of experience working on avionic standard communications, navigation and electronic warfare equipment. 

From TETRA systems with 80,000 parameters and crypto management software, to beamforming Anti-Jam GPS with conformal CRPAs. EW pods to train NATO to fight the bad guys, and Direction Finding systems to bring the good guys home

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Product Categories

Airborne TETRA

Chelton is the world's leading supplier of Avionic-standard TETRA systems, with 20 years experience in fielding TETRA in aircraft.

Anti-Jam GPS Systems

With our anti-jamming GNSS technology, there is no compromise. Our end-to-end Assured PNT solution is the answer to identifying and eliminating threats.

Electronic Warfare Systems

Next generation modular-designed EW systems built to replicate and counter evolving threats in the competed and contested multi-domain Electromagnetic Environment (EME).

Direction Finding

Chelton has a complete suite of Direction Finding Antenna Systems to maximise rescue success.

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